Thursday 28 June 2012

ISUP message types

-       IAM
o   Initial Address Message (IAM) is sent in the forward direction by each switch in the circuit between the calling party and the destination switch of the called party.
o   Contains the called party number in the mandatory variable part and may contain the calling party name and number in the optional part.
-       SAM
o   Subsequent Address Message. In case the IAM did not contain the full called number, one or more SAMs may follow containing additional digits.
-       ACM
o   Address Complete Message is sent in the backward direction to indicate that the remote end of a trunk circuit has been reserved.
o   The originating switch responds to an ACM message by connecting the calling party’s line to the trunk to complete the voice circuit from the calling party to the called party.
-       ANM
o   Answer Message sent when the subscriber picks up the phone
o   Normally charging starts at this moment
-       CPG
o   Call Progress (CPG) can be sent by the terminating SSP after it has sent an ACM. For example, this could be used to signal that a call has been forwarded as a result of a busy line.
-       REL
o   Release Message is sent in either direction indicating that the circuit is being released due to a specific cause indicator
o   Is sent when either calling or called party hangs up the call (cause =16)
o   Is sent back to the calling party if the called party is busy (cause 17).
-       RLC
o   Release Complete Message is sent in the opposite direction of a REL to acknowledge the release of the remote end of a trunk circuit and to end the billing cycle.

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